Disclosure Requirement BP-2 – Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances

  1. The undertaking shall provide disclosures in relation to specific circumstances.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to provide an understanding of the effect of these specific circumstances on the preparation of the sustainability statement.

  3. The undertaking may report this information alongside the disclosures to which they refer.

Time horizons

  1. When the undertaking has deviated from the medium- or long-term time horizons defined by ESRS 1 section 6.4 Definition of short-, medium- and long-term for reporting purposes, it shall describe:

    • (a) its definitions of medium- or long-term time horizons; and

    • (b) the reasons for applying those definitions.

Value chain estimation

  1. When metrics include upstream and/or downstream value chain data estimated using indirect sources, such as sector-average data or other proxies, the undertaking shall:

    • (a) identify the metrics;

    • (b) describe the basis for preparation;

    • (c) describe the resulting level of accuracy; and

    • (d) where applicable, describe the planned actions to improve the accuracy in the future (see ESRS 1 chapter 5 Value chain).

Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty

  1. In accordance with ESRS 1 section 7.2 Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty, the undertaking shall:

    • (a) identify the quantitative metrics and monetary amounts it has disclosed that are subject to a high level of measurement uncertainty;

    • (b) in relation to each quantitative metric and monetary amount identified:

      • i. disclose information about the sources of measurement uncertainty (for example, the dependence of the amount on the outcome of a future event, on a measurement technique or on the availability and quality of data from the entity’s upstream and/or downstream value chain); and

      • ii. disclose the assumptions, approximations and judgements the entity has made in measuring it.

  2. When disclosing forward-looking information, the undertaking may indicate that it considers such information to be uncertain.

Changes in preparation or presentation of sustainability information

  1. When changes in the preparation and presentation of sustainability information occur compared to the previous reporting period - (s), (see ESRS 1 section 7.4 Changes in preparation or presentation in sustainability information), the undertaking shall:

    • (a) explain the changes and the reasons for them, including why the replaced metric provides more useful information;

    • (b) disclose revised comparative figures, unless it is impracticable to do so. When it is impracticable to adjust comparative information for one or more prior periods, the undertaking shall disclose that fact; and

    • (c) disclose the difference between the figure disclosed in the preceding period and the revised comparative figure.

Reporting errors in prior periods

  1. When the undertaking identifies material prior period errors (see ESRS 1 section 7.5 Reporting errors in prior periods), it shall disclose:

    • (a) the nature of the prior period material error;

    • (b) to the extent practicable, the correction for each prior period included in the sustainability statement; and

    • (c) if correction of the error is not practicable, the circumstances that led to the existence of that condition.

Disclosures stemming from other legislation or generally accepted sustainability reporting pronouncements

  1. When the undertaking includes in its sustainability statement information stemming from other legislation which requires the undertaking to disclose sustainability information or from generally accepted sustainability reporting standards and frameworks (see ESRS 1 section 8.2 Content and structure of the sustainability statement), in addition to the information prescribed by ESRS, it shall disclose this fact. In case of partial application of other reporting standards or frameworks, the undertaking shall provide a precise reference to the paragraphs of the standard or framework applied.

Incorporation by reference

  1. When the undertaking incorporates information by reference (see ESRS 1 section 9.1 Incorporation by reference), it shall disclose a list of the disclosure requirements of ESRS, or the specific datapoints mandated by a Disclosure Requirement, that have been incorporated by reference.

Use of phase-In provisions in accordance with Appendix C of ESRS 1

  1. If an undertaking or group not exceeding on its balance sheet date the average number of 750 employees during the financial year decides to omit the information required by ESRS E4, ESRS S1, ESRS S2, ESRS S3 or ESRS S4 in accordance with Appendix C of ESRS 1, it shall nevertheless disclose whether the sustainability topics covered respectively by ESRS E4, ESRS S1, ESRS S2, ESRS S3 and ESRS S4 have been assessed to be material as a result of the undertaking’s materiality assessment. In addition, if one or more of these topics has been assessed to be material, the undertaking shall, for each material topic:

    • (a) disclose the list of matters (i.e. topic, sub-topic or sub-sub-topic) in AR 16 ESRS 1 Appendix A that are assessed to be material and briefly describe how the undertaking’s business model and strategy take account of the impacts of the undertaking related to those matters. The undertaking may identify the matter at the level of topic, sub-topic or sub-sub-topic;

    • (b) briefly describe any time-bound targets it has set related to the matters in question, the progress it has made towards achieving those targets, and whether its targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems are based on conclusive scientific evidence;

    • (c) briefly describe its policies in relation to the matters in question;

    • (d) briefly describe actions it has taken to identify, monitor, prevent, mitigate, remediate or bring an end to actual or potential adverse impacts related to the matters in question, and the result of such actions; and

    • (e) disclose metrics relevant to the matters in question.