Minimum disclosure requirement – Targets MDR-T – Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

  1. The undertaking shall apply the requirements for the content of disclosures in this provision when it discloses information about the targets it has set with regard to each material sustainability matter.

  2. The objective of this Minimum Disclosure Requirement is to provide for each material sustainability matter an understanding of:

    • (a) whether and how the undertaking tracks the effectiveness of its actions to address material impacts, risks and opportunities, including the metrics it uses to do so;

    • (b) measurable time-bound outcome-oriented targets set by the undertaking to meet the policy’s objectives, defined in terms of expected results for people, the environment or the undertaking regarding material impacts, risks and opportunities;

    • (c) the overall progress towards the adopted targets over time;

    • (d) in the case that the undertaking has not set measurable time-bound outcome-oriented targets, whether and how it nevertheless tracks the effectiveness of its actions to address material impacts, risks and opportunities and measures the progress in achieving its policy objectives; and

    • (e) whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter.

  3. The undertaking shall disclose the measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound targets on material sustainability matters it has set to assess progress. For each target, the disclosure shall include the following information:

    • (a) a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives;

    • (b) the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured;

    • (c) the scope of the target, including the undertaking’s activities and/or its upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries;

    • (d) the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured;

    • (e) the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets;

    • (f) the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place;

    • (g) whether the undertaking’s targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence;

    • (h) whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter;

    • (i) any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability (see Disclosure Requirement BP-2 Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances of this Standard); and

    • (j) the performance against its disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of the undertaking towards achieving the target.

  4. If the undertaking has not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

    • (a) it may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why the undertaking does not plan to set such targets;

    • (b) it shall disclose whether it nevertheless tracks the effectiveness of its policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity, and if so:

      • i. any processes through which it does so;

      • ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators it uses to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured.