Disclosure Requirement E5-1 – Policies related to resource use and circular economy¶
The undertaking shall describe its policies adopted to manage its material impacts, risks and opportunities related to resource use and circular economy.
The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to enable an understanding of the extent to which the undertaking has policies that address the identification, assessment, management and/or remediation of its material impacts, risks and opportunities related to resource use and circular economy.
The disclosure required by paragraph 12 shall contain the information on the policies the undertaking has in place to manage its material impacts, risks and opportunities related to resource use and circular economy in accordance with ESRS 2 MDR-P Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters.
In the summary, the undertaking shall indicate whether and how its policies address the following matters where material:
(a) transitioning away from use of virgin resources, including relative increases in use of secondary (recycled) resources;
(b) sustainable sourcing and use of renewable resources.
Policies shall address material impacts, risks and opportunities in its own operations and along its upstream and downstream value chain.