Disclosure Requirement G1-5 – Political influence and lobbying activities

  1. The undertaking shall provide information on the activities and commitments related to exerting its political influence, including its lobbying activities related to its material impacts, risks and opportunities.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to provide transparency on the undertaking’s activities and commitments related to exerting its political influence with political contributions, including the types and purpose of lobbying activities.

  3. The disclosure required by paragraph 27 shall include:

    • (a) if applicable, the representative - (s) responsible in the administrative, management and supervisory bodies for the oversight of these activities;

    • (b) for financial or in-kind political contributions:

      • i. the total monetary value of financial and in-kind political contributions made directly and indirectly by the undertaking aggregated by country or geographical area where relevant, as well as type of recipient/beneficiary; and

      • ii. where appropriate, how the monetary value of in-kind contributions is estimated.

    • (c) the main topics covered by its lobbying activities and the undertaking’s main positions on these in brief. This shall include explanations on how this interacts with its material impacts, risks and opportunities identified in its materiality assessment per ESRS 2; and

    • (d) if the undertaking is registered in the EU Transparency Register or in an equivalent transparency register in a Member State, the name of any such register and its identification number in the register.

  4. The disclosure shall also include information about the appointment of any members of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies who held a comparable position in public administration (including regulators) in the 2 years preceding such appointment in the current reporting period.