Disclosure Requirement S1-2 – Processes for engaging with own workforce and workers’ representatives about impacts

  1. The undertaking shall disclose its general processes for engaging with people in its own workforce and workers’ representatives about actual and potential impacts on its own workforce.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to enable an understanding of how the undertaking engages, as part of its ongoing due diligence process, with people in its own workforce and workers’ representatives about material, actual and potential, positive and/or negative impacts that do or are likely to affect them, and whether and how perspectives of its own workforces are taken into account in the decision-making processes of the undertaking.

  3. The undertaking shall disclose whether and how the perspectives of its own workforce inform its decisions or activities aimed at managing the actual and potential impacts on its own workforce. This shall include, where relevant, an explanation of:

    • (a) whether engagement occurs directly with the undertaking’s own workforce or workers’ representatives;

    • (b) the stage - (s) at which engagement occurs, the type of engagement and frequency of the engagement;

    • (c) the function and the most senior role within the undertaking that has operational responsibility for ensuring that this engagement happens and that the results inform the undertaking’s approach;

    • (d) where applicable, a Global Framework Agreement or other agreements that the undertaking has with workers’ representatives related to the respect of human rights of its own workforce, including an explanation of how the agreement enables the undertaking to gain insight into the perspectives of its own workforce; and

    • (e) where applicable, how the undertaking assesses the effectiveness of its engagement with its own workforce, including, where relevant, any agreements or outcomes that result.

  4. Where applicable, the undertaking shall disclose the steps it takes to gain insight into the perspectives of people in its own workforce who may be particularly vulnerable to impacts and/or marginalised (for example, women, migrants, people with disabilities).

  5. If the undertaking cannot disclose the above required information because it has not adopted a general process to engage with its own workforce, it shall disclose this to be the case. It may disclose a timeframe in which it aims to have such a process in place.