Disclosure Requirement S1-13 – Training and Skills Development metrics

  1. The undertaking shall disclose the extent to which training and skills development is provided to its employees.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to enable an understanding of the training and skills development-related activities that have been offered to employees, within the context of continuous professional growth, to upgrade employees’ skills and facilitate continued employability.

  3. The disclosure required by paragraph 81 shall include: - (a) the percentage of employees that participated in regular performance and career development reviews; such information shall be broken down by gender; - (b) the average number of training hours per employee and by gender.

  4. The undertaking may disclose breakdowns by employee category for the percentage of employees that participated in regular performance and career development and for the average number of training hours per employee.

  5. The undertaking may also disclose the information specified in this disclosure requirement with regard to non-employees in its workforce.