Disclosure Requirement S1-15 – Work-life balance metrics

  1. The undertaking shall disclose the extent to which employees are entitled to and make use of family-related leave.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to provide an understanding of the entitlement and actual practices amongst the employees to take family-related leave in a gender equitable manner, as it is one of the dimensions of work-life balance.

  3. The disclosure required by paragraph 91 shall include:

    • (a) the percentage of employees entitled to take family-related leave;

    • (b) the percentage of entitled employees that took family-related leave, and a breakdown by gender.

  4. If all of the undertaking’s employees are entitled to family-related leave through social policy and/or collective bargaining agreements, it is sufficient to disclose this in order to meet the requirement of paragraph 93a.