Disclosure Requirement S2-3 – Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for value chain workers to raise concerns

  1. The undertaking shall describe the processes it has in place to provide for or cooperate in the remediation of negative impacts on value chain workers that the undertaking is connected with, as well as channels available to value chain workers to raise concerns and have them addressed.

  2. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is to enable an understanding of the formal means by which value chain workers can make their concerns and needs known directly to the undertaking and/or through which the undertaking supports the availability of such channels (for example, grievance mechanisms) in the workplace of value chain workers, how follow up is carried out with these workers regarding the issues raised, and the effectiveness of these channels.

  3. The undertaking shall describe:

    • (a) its general approach to and processes for providing or contributing to remedy where it has caused or contributed to a material negative impact on value chain workers, including whether and how the undertaking assesses that the remedy provided is effective;

    • (b) any specific channels it has in place for value chain workers to raise their concerns or needs directly with the undertaking and have them addressed, including whether these are established by the undertaking itself and/or whether they are third-party mechanisms;

    • (c) the processes through which it supports or requires the availability of such channels in the workplace of value chain workers; and

    • (d) how it tracks and monitors issues raised and addressed, and how it ensures the effectiveness of the channels, including through involvement of stakeholders who are the intended users.

  4. The undertaking shall disclose whether and how it assesses that value chain workers are aware of and trust these structures or processes as a way to raise their concerns or needs and have them addressed. In addition, the undertaking shall disclose whether it has policies in place regarding the protection of individuals that use them against retaliation. If such information has been disclosed in accordance with ESRS G1-1, the undertaking may refer to that information.

  5. If the undertaking cannot disclose the above required information because it has not adopted a channel for raising concerns and/or does not support the availability of such a channel in the workplace of value chain workers, it shall disclose this to be the case. It may disclose a timeframe in which it aims to have such a channel or processes in place.